Friday, October 14, 2011

30 Day Disney Challenge- Day 16

First Movie You Saw

Beauty and the Beast

This was my very first movie that I saw in the movie theaters. I was around the age of three, I think, and from what my parents tell me I was terrified of the beast. 

Honorable Mention: The Little Mermaid (pretty sure this deserves a mention as the first Disney movie I actually owned, but I was too young to see it in theaters when it came out. This is movie is only a few months younger than I am). 

In actual Disney news, my recruiter called me today. My heart almost dropped out of my chest when he told me that there was some changes regarding my offer, but he immediately said not to worry, that it wasn't being rescinded. Whew! With my heart rate returning to normal, he explained that they wanted to extend my end date by a month. So instead of leaving in June as originally planned, I will be staying until July. This, he said, was so that I could be able to stay and help train the new presenters when the next batch of interns arrive for the fall PI. I am still incredibly excited, and January seems so far away! 


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