Tuesday, October 18, 2011

30 Day Disney Challenge- Day 18

Least Favorite Classic


I hate anything having to do with the words "least favorite" and "Disney", but if I had to pick one, it would have to be the story about the little wooden puppet. I have nothing against this movie really, I think it's just the fact that when I was little I refused to watch any movie without a princess in it (except for The Lion King). And the scene at the end with all the boys in Pleasure Island turning into Donkey's sort of freaked me out. Oh, and Stromboli sort of terrified me.

Honorable Mention: The Jungle Book (I enjoy the music to this movie, but other than that I never really cared for it as much as I did other Disney movies). 


Heather said...

Hey Arielle! Thought I'd follow your blog. Decided to do one myself as well! :) Maybe we can remind each other when we get there to update it. I can be forgetful. ;)

Unknown said...

Hi Heather, I'm so glad you found my blog! I've never kept one before so this will be interesting to see if I can keep it up! I can be forgetful as well lol, we definitely have to remind each other!

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