Sunday, November 6, 2011

30 Day Disney Challenge- Day 23

An Underrated Movie

A Goofy Movie

I think a lot of Disney movies are underrated (ahem...Hunchback...Bug's Life...just to name a few), but I really enjoyed A Goofy Movie. I thought it was very well done, it had a touching, relatable story, and it had great music. I don't know why it doesn't get more recognition. They don't even sell the DVD in any stores near where I live. I thought the relationship between Max and Roxanne was adorable, and how can you not love Powerline? 

Honorable Mention: Meet the Robinson's (The ending totally made this whole movie. I thought this was one of Disney's most brilliant films and I hate that it didn't get the raves and ratings it deserved). 


Heather said...

I LOVE the music in A Goofy Movie as well! Every time I here Stand Out I want to dance and sing along with the music! And I agree. The plot was very relatable for a lot of different people. However I know Meet the Robinsons will be my winner for this one. I'm pretty sure I tear up to the ending of this movie every time I watch it.

Unknown said...

Yay, the comment worked! I love listening to Stand Out. I wish they had made a whole separate album of Powerline songs, I would have bought it in a heartbeat! Meet the Robinson's has the sweetest ending, I swear I could listen to "Little Wonders" over and over.

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