Thursday, November 10, 2011

30 Day Disney Challenge- Day 27

Saddest Death

Ellie (Up)

The montage of Carl and Ellie's life in the beginning of Up never fails to make me tear up. I love their relationship, and how much was able to be conveyed about their lives within a four-minute montage. Their struggles to have a child and save up money for their dream vacation was heartbreaking, but the images of them enjoying their picnics and building their dream house were incredibly sweet. I yearn to have a marriage like theirs someday. When Ellie died, and Carl sat alone at her funeral holding a balloon, long after everyone had gone's just the saddest thing ever. 

Honorable Mention: Mufasa (How can anyone not find this scene heartbreaking? This was the defining moment in Simba's life, where he changed from a carefree cub to someone with a huge responsibility to fill.)


Heather said...

It's a toss up between the two for me. I tear up during scenes but the scene when Mufasa dies holds a special place in my heart because I love The Lion King so much. The look in Simba's eyes as Mufasa falls off that cliff tears me apart inside, and then he is chased out by his Uncle. So sad.

Heather said...

Heeeeeeyyyy! Your new layout's not too shabby either. I really like it! Kinda matches our new bedding! LOL! So pretty! Seems like it's very you!

Unknown said...

Haha thanks! There are so many nice (free!) layouts out there, it was hard to pick one. I think this one definitely suits our theme, lol.

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