Saturday, November 12, 2011

30 Day Disney Challenge- Day 29

Favorite Theme Park

The Magic Kingdom (Walt Disney World)

For so many reasons. I feel like I grew up here, I came so much as a child. My family was privileged being so close to Disney, so we were able to drive up all the time, even just for a day. I love everything about this park, from the musty water smell in Pirates, to the ringing booms of the fireworks, to the wondrous spectacle of lights from Spectromagic. It's the one place where me and my family can forget about all the stresses in life and just enjoy our time together. It's the one place I associate with pure happiness.

Honorable Mention: Animal Kingdom (had to give a shout-out to my future workplace!) 


Heather said...

Good choice! I have so many awesome memories from Magic Kingdom!

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