Monday, November 7, 2011

30 Day Disney Challenge- Day 24

A Movie That Makes You Laugh

The Incredibles

I love the banter between Mr. Incredible and Frozone, and I think Edna Mode is so kooky and hilarious. I love Elastigirl's dry humor and Syndrome's sarcasm. This movie may not be your typical comedy, but it still makes me giggle. I think it's also because the sibling rivalry between Dash and Violet reminds me of me and my sister. 

Honorable Mention: The Princess and the Frog (again, not your typical comedy, but Naveen's arrogance always strikes me as humorous and Charlotte is one of the funniest Disney characters ever). 


Heather said...

I also really like Charlotte (Lotte for short!)She cracks me up! Especially when she refers to her father as "Big Daddy". Hehe!

Unknown said...

Haha, I think she's so cute! I love it when she's fixing her boobs and acting crazy.

Jinx said...
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Jinx said...

Up! Between Russell and Doug, and that nutty bird Kevin, I'm not sure who I laughed at most. This film brought me to tears more times than I can count, both from laughter and from sadness. No Disney movie has ever moved me more. And what better title for a movie that "moves" you than the title "Up"? (You don't think that's a coincidence, do you? Disney does everything with a purpose!)

Heather said...

Haha! We might have to watch that together so you can show me where she is fixing her boobs. I don't think I ever caught that. Her character gets better and better!

Unknown said...

Tina- Up is such a wonderful movie, the beginning montage of Carl and Ellie's life always makes me tear up. However, it is also very uplifting and has some very funny moments. And I never thought of the meaning of the title before! It makes sense though...Disney is very clever :)

Heather- I'll show you if we watch it together! It's like the two seconds before she goes back to dancing with the fake Naveen at the ball...ahhh hard to explain, but I love catching little things like that!

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