Tuesday, November 8, 2011

30 Day Disney Challenge- Day 25

A Movie That Makes You Cry

Toy Story 3

The ending. Oh my god, the ending. I swear, the last 15 minutes of this movie made me the most emotional I have ever been in theaters. I can't remember crying for any movie (not Titanic, not the Notebook, not Rent...I swear, I have a heart of steel sometimes), but I definitely shed a tear or two for this one. So much of my childhood ended around the same time Andy's did, and I could relate to the feeling of having to let go and grow up.

Honorable Mention: Wall-E (Wall-E's longing for love just broke my heart, and it was so upsetting at the end when I thought he wouldn't remember Eve). 


Heather said...

I'm pretty sure I was crying like a little baby when I was watching the end of this movie. When they all grabbed each other's hands and prepared for the end a river was running down my face. Then of course they found a comedic way to pull them out of their predicament. Then I was in that half-crying, half-laughing mood and didn't know what I should be feeling. Good choice Arielle!

Unknown said...

Thanks! I swear, if it had ended badly I would have lost it. I'm glad it all turned out okay in the end :)

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